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Recent Cases

  • Client Scored 45 months in Prison. After taking discovery depositions and preparing defense witnesses, we negotiated a plea to a  misdemeanor battery. Client received 1 year probation, instead of mandatory prison time!

  • Although the jury was waiting outside, the real job of a criminal defense attorney is to provide their client with options. Sometimes those options are too good to pass up!

Aggravated Battery

  • Client charged with 1st time DUI. Client pulled over for speeding, and submitted to field sobriety exercises which were videotaped.  Client refused breath after being read implied consent.

  • Jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty! Speeding ticket dismissed!


  • Client charged with trying to break into the victim's car by pulling on the door handle when the vehicle came to a stop sign. 

  • Jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty after Mr. Greenwald successfully pointed out the complete lack of evidence!

Burglary Conveyance

  • Client charged with breaking into the victim's home while armed with a gun and demanding money, a 1st degree felony punishable by life in prison.

  • After impeaching the victim's testimony and tearing apart the police officers' investigation on cross examination, the jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty!

  • Client was facing life in prison, and walked out of the court room a free man!

Armed Burglary

  • Client pulled over for faulty tail-light, but the officer claimed he smelled cannabis.

  • Motion to Suppress was granted and CASE DISMISSED after raising multiple legal issues with the officer's initial stop.

  • Client was facing mandatory license suspension and possible jail time!

Possession of Cannabis

© 2024, Brian F. Greenwald, P.A. Florida Bar License # 900931

(407) 807-0840

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