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Criminal Defense Practice Areas

Brian F. Greenwald, P.A. offers quality criminal defense in a wide variety of felony and misdemeanor cases. For over 20 years, we have represented thousands of clients in just about every area of criminal defense possible. 


Felonies are crimes punishable by incarceration in the Florida State Prison for more than a year.


Felonies are more serious crimes, and are treated as such in the criminal justice system. These offenses are generally assigned to prosecutors with more experience, and involve significantly more work than your average misdemeanor.  


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Misdemeanors are criminal offenses punishable by up to one year in the county jail. Although they are less severe than felony offenses, the consequences of a misdemeanor conviction can be burdensome and long-lasting.

Misdemeanor offenses are under the jurisdiction of the County Court, and if you are charged with only misdemeanor offenses, then your case will be assigned to a County Court Judge..

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© 2024, Brian F. Greenwald, P.A. Florida Bar License # 900931

(407) 807-0840

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